Tuesday, July 8, 2008

SYNERGY: The Amazingly Unusual BoingO~Elixir Fashion Show

Daniell Breda

Guests and fashionistas were exposed to a unique fashion showcase, as cutting edge as the synergy created when two of SL's fearless designers united on June 7. Elixir Owner/Creator Khorus Magne and BoingO Owner/Creator Jeela Juran unveiled their Smoke on the Water Fashion Showcase to the delight of all present.
Glowing blue runway (built over the water)
Dream Models
, in fixed stations, allowed the guests to wander through the living fashion sculpture garden at their own leisure. Being a model, I know how stressful it is "behind the curtain", but this show was different, no stress, no lag, no falling off the runway. Models posed, danced, laughed and answered questions, next to giant standees of the outfits. Guests were treated to delicious sounds from DJ Aeschylus Shepherd and DJ Kromus Korobase.

The electric Clubware Fashions of BoingO were mixed and matched with the dynamic, sexy Latex Fashions of Elixir for both men and women. I was fortunate to grab the whirlwind masterminds behind the production for a quick interview.
Jeela Juran, BoingO Owner/Creator , Yeti Voom, BoingO Ambassador

Daniell Breda:
What is the Philosophy behind your business?

Jeela Juran: I make clothes to make avatars feel good about themselves. Emotions span experiences. If you look good in a virtual world it has the same positive effect on your feelings as if you look good in RL... and I'd really LOVE people to have a reason to feel good.
Khorus Magne, ELIXIR white Latex tube top, Black Mesh top, Shoulderpads Black on left, white on right and Enameled Accessories: black garter, white w silver trim bracelets with Boingo White Metallic Hipsters

Khorus Magne: I bring well designed latex and sci-fi inspired items to the non-fetish crowd.

Katoria Stevenson and Angel Horner, Co-Owners, Dream Models:
As a model management company, Dream Models seeks to hire only committed, reliable and versatile individuals, with strong personalities to match their avatar's good looks. We strive to be different, work as a team and provide an excellent service, every time.

DB: What did you think of the BoingO~ Elixir Fashion Showcase?

KM: I came away with my mind already designing the next show! It was a wild thing to see.

Yeti Voom: I think it was a success! So many people came up to me afterwards and said they never had seen or been to anything like it!

DB: Were you pleased with the results?

KM: Oh extremely. I wanted to see how hundreds of avatars experienced something that, apparently is kind of different in SL. I hope people copy us because it worked really well.

KS: Exceptionally! The Fashion Showcase went very well, our models did a great job, got involved and had a lot of fun as well. Khorus, Jeela and Yeti had a very inspired vision for this and I'm pleased for them that after all the hard work that went into the planning, they pulled it off so brilliantly.

DB: How was this Fashion Show different?

JJ: It was a runway without any running. lol... We set 20 models out on a maze-like stage and let the visitors do the walking... the whole thing was the result of asking what sort of show could work really well in the dynamics of SL.

KM: The point of a fashion show is to see the clothes... so we just designed a way that lag couldn't interfere... let the models hold still and the crowd move around them. Some things in RL just really don't translate well to SL.

KS: The show was different from run-of-the-mill catwalk shows. It was certainly one of the best examples I've experienced of a show with live models. There was a definite flow of energy through the sim as people went from stand to stand, checking out the designs, chatting to the models and enjoying the music.

DB: Favorite moment at the show?

KM: Oh, I think I got a kick out of how much the models enjoyed doing something kind of different! They got to dance in their spots to the DJ jams... it was energetic...

JJ: Having to apologize for the sim being full. Yeti and Katoria deserve medals.

YV: Just before the second show the models landed like flies all over the place and started partying! I could just walk around and feel good about it all!

DB: Future Plans?

JJ: BoingO has a growing line of funny gadgets... I think we'll do a Gadget show not too far off. We also pride ourselves on our beautiful skins. We have new line coming out very soon!

KM: Elixir is relatively new... keep expanding the clothing, get machinima makers into my SL Film studio, and I have some sci-fi styled furniture I want to offer SL pretty soon.

KS: From the volume of positive feedback I received after the shows, Dream Models will hopefully be doing more shows like this as an alternative to, and possibly in conjunction with, runway shows.

It was truely an inspiring experience, and fanboy that I am, I snagged a dance with Khorus while wearing my Elixir jammies. .... and I did buy an outfit at the showcase. So, here I am at home, as the Rockit man! Daniell Breda, Elixir Rockit Set
BoingO Elementals leather pants - magma and men's Hex jacket - black

BoingO Leather Link Formal dress and Link dress stockings

Elixir Latex hipsters, bikini top - violet, Latex bikini bottoms, bandana top - red and Latex wide tie top - black

Elixir Latex Raincoat - clear, Latex tie top - orange, BoingO metallic hipsters - black
BoingO Orange Split bikini, stockings and gloves

BoingO Metallic shorts, chaps,
bolero jacket, Metal Toobz tube top
BoingO men's Hex pants, vest - black, Elixir sheer 1-piece suit - violet, mesh top - black

Elixir Fashion Primary Complex: Fantasy Land 3 206,240,40
latex and exotic materials, accessories, weapons, dresses, pants, gloves, bathing suits, bikinis, shorts, camo, military, sci fi, futuristic, crop tops, gauntlets, goggles, gadgets

BoingO Headquarters: Fantasy Land 3 183, 246, 25
unusual clothing, swimsuits, clubwear, skins, eyes, pants, bikinis, shorts, chaps, t-shirts, wet t-shirts, dresses, Victorian

Acknowledgements and thank you's! Smokanda Panacek, our team of wonderful models, the DJ's, our business partners, Muriel Weatherwax, Scrappy Tiger, and Elf Juran.

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